
Friday, November 8, 2013


While experiencing this life we have moments that occur naturally that causes us pain emotionally or we feel panic.  When feeling panic the sensation feeling feel  is generally centered  our upper chest  and can cover the whole body with a strong panic feeling.   Panic spirit symbols are almost always near the upper chest and just below the throat area. I think it alway placed there because its like a weight around our necks and it pulling and hanging around wait for the right trigger so it can explode.
Today i saw on a person with one that was a happy face and it was white in color.  It sounds like this is a good thing except its in the wrong place because her panic  is she enjoys being happy and putting on a front that she is happy.  Everything is wonderful until someone or thing disturbs or feeling on happiness then she will begin behaviors or speech which could be  salt and pepper speech.
No one has a sign out saying this is there panic situation or trigger but in normal living conditions with other people we learn what each person trigger are and hopefully we stay away from them .
Panic attack
Panic attack (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The spirit symbols on this young woman was interesting to look at while she was playing the violin during her  video presentation.  To watch her and listen to beautiful  violin music is a thrill.  Truly a gifted person who can amaze anyone with her abilities.
I was looking at her hand moving rapidly over the strings without making a mistake and while looking her  spirit hand  symbols became clear to me.  Her hand  moves intelligently across the strings to produce a good clear sounds for ears to hear. The intelligence comes before the music and the work evolved is steady hard work.  The work is not fun.
The pieces of music gives one a awe while hearing it but for her she is not amazed by what she does because for her its just another moment of doing what she was raised to do .
There is a part of herself that she does not like about herself.
Her arms are an extension of the violin;  she and the violin are one.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


awareness (Photo credit: tobias feltus)
Johnny Ingmar Bye

Saturday, September 28, 2013


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WEBSITE  on August 17,2013  has public an article of Fukushima radioactive water that is spilling into the ocean even now everyday and the efforts to stop it.

The development comes on top of TEPCO's admission last month that an estimated 300 tons of radioactive groundwater, which picks up small amounts of contamination when it flows through the damaged reactor buildings, has been leaking into the Pacific Ocean every day. (See related story: "Fukushima's Radioactive Water Leak: What You Should Know.")

In the latest crisis to strike the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has discovered that 300 tons (nearly 72,000 gallons) of highly radioactive water has leaked from a holding tank into the ground over the past month.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Janet Yellen has learned in this life that what comes out of her mouth is very important to people of power in this world. What comes of her mouth is deluded truth and has been for a very long time. There was a time when she spoke what her spirit wanted to say because it was the voice of truth. She does not use her spirit clean good side to speak now but uses the words of this world to talk and describe issues and truth can find it self on the shelf or deluded in some manner.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Leonardo da vinici painted the picture Mona Lisa and when looking at the picture people see a woman but how many are looking to see a ufo. Look to the right of the woman.
When looking at the sky a person is looking for the sun, clouds, and rainbows on a occasion.  But how many see spirit entities and if not one is not seeing them it will be because of their own unbelief.  Anyone can see it just takes practice.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Yesterday I was looking at a monk for a moment and a saw a new spirit symbol. Everything we think and feel and do is etched unto our spirit. When looking at a person you can spirit the persons spirit or just see spirit vibrations that look like a tattoo and the spirit symbols are everywhere on the physical body. something times there are scenes on the body also.

The observation while looking for a moment was a spirit symbol of a face with two eyes that were pure while with no pupil

Here is a list of what is possible while looking at eyes as spirit symbols-

1. The eyes can have a pupil that looks like a normal eyes

2. The eyes can be solid black where the whole eye is completely black

3. The eyes can be tarnish looking

4. Your look at the person can be out of focus (

Friday, August 23, 2013


English: Black coloured infinity sign in circl...
English: Black coloured infinity sign in circle with transparency. Русский: Символ бесконечности в круге черного цвета с прозрачностью. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am sure we have all sat in church or had some one suggest that we are immortal beings and then some of his try to rap our thoughts around the idea of  being alive forever .  Does this mean we should  run and do dumb things  to haste our physical death?   I like to read OMRAAM MiKHAEL AIVANHOV  and his thought on the subject goes like this  when some one believes in  immortality  is to believe in the spirit. . But it is not the spirit that drives so many people  to hasten their end;   it is  lack of awareness,irresponsibility,idleness and lack of self control.

immortality understanding is for those who are aware of there  place in the universe.  Its the being of knowing!

Monday, August 19, 2013


The man is able to get around using public transportation on a daily basis and I had a chance to look and see his spirit vibrations on him.
He has a flicker of black to a darken spirit  on his right side of his body and a small creature of some kind attached to his back with a child's face and undefined hands and body.  His face has a very darken maligned darken spirit that covers his whole face and head
This is a new one for me and the meaning for the gentleman is that he has done many evil acts in his life or has a mental illness that has attracted maligned negative spirits to himself.  It would take more time to see to get the exact meaning.

Unfortunately maligned
English: Maj. Gen. Mark Graham speaks openly a...
English: Maj. Gen. Mark Graham speaks openly about mental health and his family’s personal experience with suicide. Calling it a sign of strength, Graham encourages Soldiers and families to seek help with mental illness. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
spirits like to attach themselves on mental disabled people

Saturday, August 10, 2013


The spirit vibrations on the head of the new born earth prince is a face with one eye brown and the other closed. 

Meaning- the  babies right  eyes is getting a workout and is slightly hurt and the other is shut and unused  as much as the other.

There is a picture on the babies head that shows a entrance to a wide  space or field that is white.  The spirit of the prince is aware that he is born into a physical body.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


We are taught that we are spirit beings and physical beings living on planet earth.  The thought is already there that tells us that we exist in two different places at the sametime even if all you have is faith to believe that this is true.   I am someone that that can see a persons spirit while being awake and jist looking at a person.  It is humbling to see this and while seeing I am contacted with that person with mu spirit . It has many different feelings when a person contacts.   Peace, love,  empathy, loneliness. Happiness, joy. 

I did not discover this but I became aware of how to contact.  We all can do this on planet earth.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Spirit Symbols- I was laying in bed waking up from sleeping last night and was thinking What could I see while watching a video and seeing spirit symbols when sperm is trying to get into an egg. I started by looking at twenty still pictures then I looked at this video and this is what I observed.  With the twenty pictures that I saw  where spirit faces attached to each sperm and some more sperm pictures had more than one face attached to the sperm. The faces were different in every picture, some were old men with beards that were white and other were of men and woman but none that  were young baby boys or girls. Spirit symbols can turn in a vi
English: Electron microscope image of sperm.
English: Electron microscope image of sperm. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ion of a scene. When I say the spirit people are attached to the sperm I mean they are one with it.
The video spirit symbols turned into a vision and i could see spirit forms that were humanoid that were  back in the distance because they were fading in and out in the back ground of the sperm. I saw spirit white energy covering the screen. The feeling I was having was awe and wonderful. There was one form that was bigger than then the rest and i have to assume he was in charge because he was the one that was watching what was going on in the video. My impression was he was aware that someone was watching it in a human earth plane laboratory.
I have to say this experience has left me wondering and feeling WOW
side bar note. when i put this picture up on  my wordpress blog I looked and saw a symbol of a human and the face is opening up to acquire the sperm.
love and gratitude

Sunday, August 4, 2013


I was observing  two people talking to each other from the point of view being on top of a bridge and looking down at the people sitting on a bench  in a park.  The person was busy talking and I obverse  the spirit of the person looking at me from the angle i was  even through the physical self of person attention was on talking with her friend.

The spirit is always aware of more than the physical self is aware of  at any moment.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


look in the mirror and see who you are  by using your mind to create who you want to be in this physical world.

Look at your face and give yourself love by giving positive energy directed at your face.

I love my face

I love my face more and more each day

I love the way everyone looks at me.

I alway let go of all negative energy and negative intentions by letting it go each morning



Before a baby is born the journey of discovery of one self is has begun.  Before the baby is born the spirit and body unite to help build the body so the spirit can slip into for life inside the womb. Before the baby is born the mother and child commune with each other in dreams and momentsts from the baby. A human body has an estimated fifty to seventy-five trillions cells and this number is more than all the known galaxies. Our bodies are complex and the baby is unaware of this fact so it’s up to the parents to teach the baby about the correct vibrations of happiness to the baby body so less challenges with the body will occur later in life.

Vibration of abuse that a baby body learns through neglect of the heart of the mother stays with the baby for years and even a life time. The first impressions are the ones that last longer and harder to break. The baby hears the words with ears of yelling and screaming that imprint dark images on a infants stomach and if unable to let it go the darkness spreads to the heart where the infant begins to learn mistrust amd abuse.

The vibration of a smile and and a hug and the feelings love imprint spirit symbols of love of white smiles ear to ear on the infants body. The baby hears the voice of a loving mothers tone and symbols of joy are left in the stomach and when given again and again this will ignitie the body cells to have love of self and others and will bring light in the heart and mind.


It was a restful spot that which give me the opportunity to watch a person looking at their cell phone and the angle I was at gave me the top of the person's head.. On top was a vibration of a monkeys face and looking at this moment i was thinking of two things. My first thought was it was amusing to think that a person had a monkey vibration and I laughed for a moment. But then I remembered watching a show on netflicks about when a master monk dies the monks go to a monk and he looks at lines in different directions and mediates and receives a vision of who will fill the die masters position. Symbols and the vibration can be different from person to person but they come up with the same meaning. In the monk world when a monk receives a vision it is verified by someone else. For me the symbols I see are something i can relate to so i can get the exact meaning.

I was looking at the students that were going to chef school and on the wall behind them and in the wall was a spirit man dressed in white watching them but after the spirit man saw that i was able to see him he walked away. the reason spirits do this is if i am just looking with curious intentions some how this take from them so they leave. If i have a specfic intention then they will stay and maybe even help.

A spirit cat showed up and wanted me to looked at something but i do not thing is is wise to tell all because on people with not good intentions i feel sad that i have to hold back but it wisdom.

Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Watch “First Animal to Survive in Space” on YouTube (

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Looking Glass Waterfall
Looking Glass Waterfall (Photo credit: afagen)
I was looking at a person eating lunch with a friend.  And I was sitting in the back of the person enjoying my meal but at the same time I was looking at back of the persons head and wondering if I could see the spirit of the person even through I am looking at the back of the head.   What happen next was interesting because  I saw the person spirit self facing me even, through the, physical self of the person was facing in the opposite position.
Our spirit self is aware of more than our physical self knows.  Wake up our true self and this awareness will be yours and the only person that is stopping this from happening is You

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


new age 296
new age 296 (Photo credit: abcdlish)
__A person can know something from their mother and father or by reading a book and this starts to create a belief in their heart and mind.  Another way to have is to be taught by seeing with our spirit eyes.  And for those who have done this understand and know something better than someone who has not the awareness yet.  (Connect to your trueself).
Many times throughout my day I take time to read a person spirit vibrations as i am working or have been asked.   We all know that we are a spirit being and a physical being and being connected to one physical body at the moment. This is where people like to stay in their belief of what reality is for them.  While i was reading this person I  became a ware that this person spirit was from other dimension that most of us do not hangout at in the spirit world

Tuesday, July 9, 2013



This world is filled with different colored beings when one looks at other being with the use of physical eyes. In my observation of seeing peoples spirit inside their physical self is that all being have a white spirit. The shade of color of white is the only differences .

A person that is born into this world being a black or brown or any shade of color on the skin can have a ego form of having a black colored spirit but regardless of what we see ourself in this life we all have a white colored spirit.

We can only see 180 degrees with our physical eyes but our spirit eyes can see 360 degrees.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Love for Arts
Love for Arts (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The joyous noise of little feet that come in the morning time in search of a hug and smile.
Never ending love
The stranger as one passes by gently gives a smile or look in your direction with love or good feeling that  leaves one with joy in ones heart for moment.
Never ending love
We all know that when we are filled with love from within and are balanced we share our love to with song and dance and communication .
Never ending love
We I see you in the morning a seed begins to open my heart and it grows brighter and brighter each day I open my eyes and see you being there.
Never ending love
I remember the hugs and laughter and making up we share with each other and the tears we share for each other.
Never ending love
As we become more and more aware of our true selfs for each other in the world and the spirit world one thing that is learned is we are all connected and love each other more than is imaginable in the next life.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


A man in Siberia has been claiming he is Jesus that has come back to earth in a physical body.

My observation of this man based on spirit vibrations are-  He is a good man that is aware of spirit energy and how to use it for himself.   He has a spirit vibration of leading people down a path into his heart but at the center of his heart is a trap where he will not let you go easy.  He will use good vibration to lead people to himself for his own selfish desires and awareness that is in  his heart.  He has a multiple of spirit energy  beings that are attracted to himself.

He is a spirit being that is neutral to positive.    He not Jesus .

Saturday, May 25, 2013


English: Lightning over the outskirts of Orade...
English: Lightning over the outskirts of Oradea, Romania, during the August 17, 2005 thunderstorm which went on to cause major flash floods over southern Romania. Română: Descărcări elctrice la marginea oraşului Oradea, în timpul furtunilor din 17 august 2005, ce au cauzat de asemenea şi viiturile din sudul României. it was shocking Technical details: Canon EOS 300D, EF-S 18-55 lens; Exp: 30s; F/13; ISO400 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 Observation of looking at spirit energy that radiants around us continually.  I noticed today that  each persons spirit is born into a flesh body that we use while in this awareness.   For those who can see spirit energy  I am sure they see the same thing.   The spirit is inside the physical body and clean white energy is radiating from the physical body outward continually in all direction while doing anything in this life.  The radiation of energy goes outward in like a pulse that spreads in all directions.    It is a beautiful to look a upon because its our  home of who we truly are as a being  that is self aware.

I was watching a mother talking to her children  explaining and instructing the children who  listen to her and obeyed the instructions of staying still until her husband came and they left together.  The observation if one could see the spirit world would see a another layer of understanding of this experience.   The other layer is the mother spirit  if there was a scale (1 to 10) of brightest of spirit brightest  was  four but the children were six and seven.    Its interesting to watch a mother who in this life is responsible for children who have brighter spirits be submissive and humble so their mother can learn from her children.  The children were much more brighter.

Friday, May 17, 2013

image When looking at this picture it creates a moment of joy and  awe in one heart because  the mother is giving  joy and the baby is laughing and giggling.  The spirit vibrations of the observation are-
on the baby head their is a face that is not smiling because the baby has had times enough already in the baby life to have unhappiness.  I am sure the unhappiness is due to not being feed or having to go to sleep but the vibration is there .  What each person sees and thinks and feels are on our physical body as spirit symbols.  If you can spirit energy you can see this through practice. we ll have the ability and the only thing stopping us is being aware that we can.
On the baby foot is a spirit symbol of his mother sitting down and he is bouncing and pushing his legs up as the mother help him fly into the air and this is repeated again and again with happiness.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday, May 12, 2013


English: Lightning over the outskirts of Orade...
English: Lightning over the outskirts of Oradea, Romania, during the August 17, 2005 thunderstorm which went on to cause major flash floods over southern Romania. Română: Descărcări elctrice la marginea oraşului Oradea, în timpul furtunilor din 17 august 2005, ce au cauzat de asemenea şi viiturile din sudul României. it was shocking Technical details: Canon EOS 300D, EF-S 18-55 lens; Exp: 30s; F/13; ISO400 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In this  world a man and woman come together in romance by sharing moments of joy and happiness with each other here on earth. Almost all romance starts out with good intentions and high vibrations of heart and mind which creates happiness around and on each person they love . Another way of saying this when joy and happiness come upon us and around us it leaves a positive spirit energy and symbols on our bodies that are white.
When a parent talks to a child with kindness in their voice they are giving positive vibrations to the child they are talking to and if done long enough it will create spirit symbols on the physical body.  The symbols that I see are of  smiles and symbols of animals that are known to us now and animals that do not exist here on the planet now.
The symbols can be seen by all those who can see spirit energy with practice.
If a man or woman speaks unkind words to a child it leaves darken spirit energy on a child. Because  each person that is born into mortality is a good person but while we are here we choose to say unkind words which mean even through we are good beings we can give on a sliding scale difference degrees of positive energy and different degrees of dark energy to child when we speak to them.  A if we speak unkind worlds to a child almost all the time the dark energy become dark black on them which mean the child without know it has a inability to love .
When a child grows up without recognizing that he has to learn how to love without being taught this by the childs parents will have the vibration to find a match.   The stumbling steps one has in having a loving relationship is long because  it will take a life time to know how to love .

I have seen this spirit vibrations on people and children.
English: The smile that won over the hearts of...
English: The smile that won over the hearts of millions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


  image    One of my family members went to a funeral and took some pictures and I was able to get my hands on them with their permission to use here.
The observation of the spirit symbols on his face is a white spirit image of himself  looking inward at himself with one hand on his eye and the other on his face.
And for those who can see spirits look over in the corner by the flowers and you will see his spirit sitting there looking at the wall because there is a brilliant white energy there and his face is in awe.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Beauitful moments men and woman moments

The Ugly Truth (film)
The Ugly Truth (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Every time someone looks at someone they are giving them positive energy or negative energy that is going on their spirit self.
Beauty is pleasing to the mind and heart and so a person gives more positive energy to someone that is beautiful when using the physical eyes.
ugliness is displeasing to the heart and mind sometimes which give less positive energy to the individual being looked at while seeing with our physical eyes.
We always look with our spirit eyes when using our physical eyes.  This is how we direct our energy to what we are looking at here.
I have watched men and woman talk to each with words that we hear with our ears and if the conversation is good positive energy is exchanged towards each other. I meaning spirit energy is given to each other.
The observation was a woman was sitting and man came by and  decided to talk to the woman.  His words reached her ears and after he stopped talking a wave surge( Spirit energy ) layer or was absorbed  by the womans aura field.  Then she spoke with words and stopped and a wave surge went to him and was absorbed.  This went back in forth for about five minutes . The reason it stopped was the man said something and then the wave surge went herway but instead of the woman absorbing the energy her aura field spotted it from entering in and was send back to him.  after this there was no more communication between them.

Monday, April 22, 2013

NASA Kepler telescope finds two planets that are ideal for human life.

English: Illustration of NASA's Kepler telesco...
English: Illustration of NASA's Kepler telescope. Français : Télescope spatial Kepler - Vue d'artiste. NASA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Two planets found by Kepler telescope are idea for life because they orbit a Dwarf star and are extremely close to the orbits of mars and earth to our own Dwarf star.   According to astronomers so far these two planets, said William Borucki the chief  scientist of NASA's  Kepler  Telescope department.
The names of the two planet are called Kepler-e and Kepler and the size of  these two planets are wider slightly but are in the golden lock zone.
The planets are about 1'200 light years away.  A light year is about 6 billion miles away from earth.
The star is 7  billion years old which is 2.5 billion years older than our sun.
The discoveries were published online  Thursday in the journal Science, mark  a moment of thrill for scientist around the world.  Slowly the public is being informed that we are not alone in the universe.
The Kepler-11 planetary system, with at least ...
The Kepler-11 planetary system, with at least 6 planets in short orbits.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From a  far distance the earth looks like a dot  but closer examination tells us it is sphere .   Have you ever taken a flight to a far distance place and stayed up during the whole flight?  I have and as the sun come up a person observing can see that the earth is round which is validation of what is taught to the massive.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

There are two woman  in this television show that predicted 911 two years before the event occur.  The source of validation is a radio show  that clearly shows they were  right about the event.
The spirit vibration of  the psychic woman on the right is a wolf at times that covers her torso and then her face that is tired looking almost brownish around the eyes 
Meaning-   She is very loyal person and dedicated and trustworthy  but is tired of having to tell the world that she is different because most people will not understand that she lives into two different worlds and is able to understand parts of  both dimension and communicate messages by writing on  piece of paper.(  Spirit vibrations)

The twin on the left is more shy and has secrets that she keeps to herself about herself.  The vibration on her torso is a lite room with a person standing looking inward towards the light and there is a another being right next to her that is very close to her.

They are magnets for negation intentions and evil  but they can do can change negative energy into light by absorbing it and making it light.  wow.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Video feed marker 110 shows the bomb explosion when it went off at the Boston marathon.
The  spirit vibration of the explosion is a man face with two eyes and one eye  that was almost closed.    The vibration also has no hair on the head.  The mouth  on the face was closed with unlike ability of  it self ( the bomb)
Meaning - the type of bomb that was made is not a new type but the bomb maker did not make it perfectly.    

Even bombs have a vibrations and intelligences and feelings.
Putting on the after burners at Hearbreak Hill...
Putting on the after burners at

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Red-billed Queleas form enormous flocks someti...
Red-billed Queleas form enormous flocks sometimes tens of thousands strong. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I became aware of being out of my body  and being in a place where I able to be in the air and move like a bird like a humming-bird.   A humming-bird moves very fast and can be stationary or move fast and not be seen within seconds.  The place  was where everyone was busy doing something with each other than darting off on an experience  of their choosing.  I followed on person who was sitting down on a bench by herself with trees around and she was just looking at her toes because it was new to her being in the spirit world then she darted off and began building a house for herself.

Friday, April 12, 2013


image My niece sent  me this picture  of this fire pit today and I took a look at the spirit vibrations.  The main spirit vibration caught in this pic is an animal that looks like something  between a steer and cow.  Starting down by the wood   there is a coat like fur that is fire but it looks like a coat that is around the long neck and the fire that is over lapping the circle is a armish looking figure.  It has a head of steer or elk or deer with horns like a steer and mouth that is wide open.  The realization of seeing this is that it is real as long as the fire exist then it goes back to ?
meaning- The  spirit vibration of an Elk is one of strength, nobility, pride, survival, and stamina and community which means this fire is looking to survive by consuming  everything it can completely and it stays with it own kind to the end  not matter what is the fate. It is intelligence that exist .    It comes into this world of existence only by invitation  then leaves because it does not belong  in this dimension.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum. (Photo credit: W

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



Spirit vibration are on us and they tell a story of what we do and say and feel . The  two person in the movie series PSYCHIC KIDS  show what they have to go through in life  and what they can do with their awareness.
The spirit vibrations on the young  woman at video feed marker at  1:30 - there is a woman with an ego form looking at white energy that is lying on the ground condense in an oval shape and she is touching it and examining it.  There is white energy that is connecting  to the oval shape but the energy that is connecting  is coming from her side of her body and is connecting with the white oval shape on the ground.
meaning- she is aware of the spirit world and is trying to discover what the white energy is on the ground and she is being helped by her spirit self.
video feed marker 2:28   on her forehead is a very bright vibration that covers most of her forehead.
meaning- she is connected to her spirit self and is aware of unseen world.  A person could go to church and read scripture and will never get to her spirit level because at church they teach about the spirits and talk about having the spirit and can have spirit feelings and dreams and visions during  moment s of life. When  going to church our training there starts  connecting to one spirit self but it is stopped .     The big secret is we can all do this and all of us have the ability .

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I had a man the other day come by and wanted to be healed because  his legs had water retention in skin lesions on his legs for years I placed him inside a the medicine wheel and active the stones to draw out the illness into the stone's.  And I cleansed his aura. He thanked me and wanted to keep feeling good after he left. I told him to pray FOR HIMSELF FOR PROTECTION.


English: Father with baby in the shower.
English: Father with baby in the shower. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I get surprised when seeing spirit vibrations of people for an example there was a person waiting to get on a train the other day and during my glance I was looking at the young person torso and there was an image of a father with eyes and a nose and a mouth and on top of the father head was a spirit symbol of a mother with hair and eyes and a nose but no mouth.
meaning- We all caring with us our baggage of childhood with us until we can over come the issues that we see from our parents actions.   The person home life was where the father had the mouth and the family  and  the children listened and heard what the father said but the mother watched with her eyes but had not mouth about what she observed.

Friday, April 5, 2013


English: Love Heart symbol interlaced
English: Love Heart symbol interlaced (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I love loving you for your walk and kisses are on my mind helping me remember how important you are to me my immortal twinbeam.
Your X and O are like a bell that rings and rings in my body and leave a vibration of a smile on my mouth and chest that brings a beam to my stride each day.
The beauty of   I am sorry  and please forgive me and I love you  are pleasures  of my heart that lets my heart  sing the vibrations of  creation of cheerfulness and joy leaves each cell in my body with a heart symbol that allows my physical to be more than I thought it could be.
Will you be mine forever my love.


Governments are inherently evil because they always think of themself first because the politicians seem to run for their office on things the common person would like to hear but  once elected they break their promises , why?  Money  money  money and billionaires influence .President Obama, current Congress, and current senators  are not the first to break covenant with the people.   What will happen now since genetic modify  organism have more protection against the  common man  and can not sued in court of law ?
History. Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1901, by ... In 2011, total money spent on lobbying was about $6.3 million, ...

A person or company that tries to change or play with DNA of food even under good intentions could find out in the long run that by doing this they have changed the DNA of the human body which also changes our vibrations.  twenty-five countries have banded GMO products from entering their countries.

Traded as NYSEMON
S&P 500 Component
Industry Agribusiness
Founded St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. (1901)
Founder(s) John Francis Queeny
Headquarters Creve Coeur, Missouri, U.S.
Key people Hugh Grant
(Chairman, President and CEO)
Products Herbicides, pesticides, crop seeds
Revenue Increase US$ 11.822 billion (FY 2011)[1]
Operating income Increase US$ 2.502 billion (FY 2011)[1]
Net income Increase US$ 1.659 billion (FY 2011)[1]
Total assets Increase US$ 19.844 billion (FY 2011)[1]
Total equity Increase US$ 11.716 billion (FY 2011)[1]
Employees 20,600 (August 2011)[2]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



I have read and listen to near death experiences for about 30  years I consider it more than a hobby.   Who ever has experience the event of nde they always base it on the teaching of what they know from scripture or a belief they heard about while on this planet.  This make me sort of sad because we are creators and we are always creating  what we want to see and do in this life and in the spirit world.  If a person thinks there is nothing on the other side that is what you will find when you go over there when you die but other people  will eventually  enlighten you to know that there is more out there and you wake up and remember who you are as a spirit person.
Dementia is a brain disorder that affects the brain as people grow older and they seem incoherent to who they as an individual and  there children   and surrounding.  I have seen a pattern of people who have this disease  and when they die  they still think they have the disease on the other side which makes their experience difficult at first.   An example is this if a person has dementia and they are depressed all the time for a long time it give them a low vibration and so when they die there are with low vibrations  entities  which is dark or darkness that surround them.  Having a belief   in the earth life that darkness is part of devil realm causes more angst for a time until the person understands that they are free from the mental disorder and they can help themselves  to a higher vibration level.  Since there is no time each person does this at difference speed .  It important not to forget our grand fathers and mothers and sons or friends who have die because if they have a disorder that affliction them  here on earth  it will be a learn moment for them to realize they don't have it any more so pray for them often.
English: This is the religious symbol of Ayyav...
English: This is the religious symbol of Ayyavazhi, an Indian Dharmic belief system. Français : Symbole religieux de l'Ayyavazhi, dans la croyance Dharma. Русский: Религиозный символ Айявари, айяважи или айявали - религиозного дхармического течения: свеча на лепестках лотоса. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday, March 31, 2013


image  This is a rare picture of what an orb looks like inside sometimes based on my own personal experience.   The clarity is different with each orb that i become aware of while observing the sphere.  most of the orbs have a perfect circle the is round.   My wife found this picture and send it to me.
As you can see orbs have people inside and sometimes you can see what is going on around inside the orb in the back ground.
we live in a three dimension world but spirit being are not confined to our world and this is why most people do not see orbs or spirits.  
Spirit beings live in an existence of where there is no time and they can see the present and pass and future with difference possibilities and out comes based on choices.
NASA's Chandra Finds Massive Black Holes Commo...
NASA's Chandra Finds Massive Black Holes Common in Early Universe: A composite image combines the deepest X-ray image ever taken with optical and infrared data from Hubble. (Photo credit: Smithsonian Institution)
  • The birth of orbs (

Saturday, March 30, 2013


MODIS satellite image of Cyprus.
MODIS satellite image of Cyprus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
History repeats itself again and again just like in your personal life when you fail to make the right decision  in a  personal experience in your life it keep bites you  maybe day or week or years later but you will have to make the right decision .
In regards to the biggest pig which is Cyprus government which has leaders that have spent all the people’s money then went to the IMF (international money fund) and max the amount they could spend their then they went to the euro zone and max what they could give them.  OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT but the people of Cyrus have chosen politicians leaders that send them down this path to nothing.
Socialist love to give to people who do not work other people who do work and now if that is not bad enough they want to steal people money who save money in their country
Todays news story is that people will lose 60 percent of their money because of bad decisions of the government.

Friday, March 29, 2013



Thomas Coman Sheppard is being interviewed by Linda  Moulton Howe about seeing pictures on creatures that are not from this earth planet.  I took a moment to look at his vibrations while he was talking with Linda who is a person who goes on television shows a lot even today.
On his head there is face that  has skin on the face it but has  sort of like a skeleton features.
meaning- skeleton is a symbol of mortality and secrets and he believes he has secrets while he alive.

On Thomas forehand there is a smiling face.

Meaning- he is happy about what he is doing at this moment.

Thomas throat has a vibration of some kind of entity that has it mouth open wide  and is smiling.
Meaning    Thomas is happy about talking about his experience with a vibrational tone of some kind of entity.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


An overall view of an LG EnV mobile/cell phone.
An overall view of an LG EnV mobile/cell phone. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was a restful spot that which give me the opportunity to watch a person  looking at their cell phone and the angle I was at gave me the top of the person’s head..  On top was a vibration of a monkeys face and looking at this moment  i was thinking of two things.  My first thought was it was amusing to think that a person had a monkey vibration  and I laughed for a moment.  But then I remembered watching a show on netflicks about  when a master monk dies the monks go to a monk and he looks at lines in different directions and mediates and receives a vision of who will fill the  die masters position.  Symbols and the vibration can be different from person to person but they come up with the same meaning.  In the monk world when a monk receives a vision it is verified by someone else.  For me the symbols I see are something i can relate to so i can get the exact meaning.
I was looking at the students that were going to chef school and on the wall behind them  and in the wall was a spirit man dressed in white watching them but after the spirit man saw that i was able to see him he walked away.    the reason spirits do this is if i am just looking with curious intentions some how this take from them so they leave.  If i have a specfic intention then they will stay and maybe even help.
A spirit cat showed up and wanted me to looked at something but i  do not thing is is wise to tell all because on people with not good intentions  i feel sad that i have to hold back but it wisdom.
Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black
Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Eye death
Eye death (Photo credit: @Doug88888)
The eye is used for receiving light and transmitting it to the brain in a way that allows it to produce a meaningful image. The adjustable lens of your cornea allows you to view objects with clarity at varying distances.    Having two eyes allows your brain to construct a 3D image, so you can detect depth as well.
The definition above is interesting because since we are spirit being looking with our spirit eyes while using our physical eyes we can see that light is needed  to send message to our  physical mind to look and understand the physical world. The more we do this the better we get at understanding  and we start to communicate our ideas of we we see to others.  While the physical brain is being used the spirit ability to connect to this world is difficult if not in possible . This is why people pray by themselves and silence or mediate in silence or with music that is peaceful.
Fear terror eye
Fear terror eye (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

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