immortality understanding is for those who are aware of there place in the universe. Its the being of knowing!
Friday, August 23, 2013
immortality understanding is for those who are aware of there place in the universe. Its the being of knowing!
Monday, August 19, 2013
He has a flicker of black to a darken spirit on his right side of his body and a small creature of some kind attached to his back with a child's face and undefined hands and body. His face has a very darken maligned darken spirit that covers his whole face and head
This is a new one for me and the meaning for the gentleman is that he has done many evil acts in his life or has a mental illness that has attracted maligned negative spirits to himself. It would take more time to see to get the exact meaning.
Unfortunately maligned
Saturday, August 10, 2013
The spirit vibrations on the head of the new born earth prince is a face with one eye brown and the other closed.
Meaning- the babies right eyes is getting a workout and is slightly hurt and the other is shut and unused as much as the other.
There is a picture on the babies head that shows a entrance to a wide space or field that is white. The spirit of the prince is aware that he is born into a physical body.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
We are taught that we are spirit beings and physical beings living on planet earth. The thought is already there that tells us that we exist in two different places at the sametime even if all you have is faith to believe that this is true. I am someone that that can see a persons spirit while being awake and jist looking at a person. It is humbling to see this and while seeing I am contacted with that person with mu spirit . It has many different feelings when a person contacts. Peace, love, empathy, loneliness. Happiness, joy.
I did not discover this but I became aware of how to contact. We all can do this on planet earth.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Spirit Symbols- I was laying in bed waking up from sleeping last night and was thinking What could I see while watching a video and seeing spirit symbols when sperm is trying to get into an egg. I started by looking at twenty still pictures then I looked at this video and this is what I observed. With the twenty pictures that I saw where spirit faces attached to each sperm and some more sperm pictures had more than one face attached to the sperm. The faces were different in every picture, some were old men with beards that were white and other were of men and woman but none that were young baby boys or girls. Spirit symbols can turn in a vi
ion of a scene. When I say the spirit people are attached to the sperm I mean they are one with it.
The video spirit symbols turned into a vision and i could see spirit forms that were humanoid that were back in the distance because they were fading in and out in the back ground of the sperm. I saw spirit white energy covering the screen. The feeling I was having was awe and wonderful. There was one form that was bigger than then the rest and i have to assume he was in charge because he was the one that was watching what was going on in the video. My impression was he was aware that someone was watching it in a human earth plane laboratory.
I have to say this experience has left me wondering and feeling WOW
side bar note. when i put this picture up on my wordpress blog I looked and saw a symbol of a human and the face is opening up to acquire the sperm.
love and gratitude
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Sunday, August 4, 2013
The spirit is always aware of more than the physical self is aware of at any moment.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Look at your face and give yourself love by giving positive energy directed at your face.
I love my face
I love my face more and more each day
I love the way everyone looks at me.
I alway let go of all negative energy and negative intentions by letting it go each morning
Before a baby is born the journey of discovery of one self is has begun. Before the baby is born the spirit and body unite to help build the body so the spirit can slip into for life inside the womb. Before the baby is born the mother and child commune with each other in dreams and momentsts from the baby. A human body has an estimated fifty to seventy-five trillions cells and this number is more than all the known galaxies. Our bodies are complex and the baby is unaware of this fact so it’s up to the parents to teach the baby about the correct vibrations of happiness to the baby body so less challenges with the body will occur later in life.
Vibration of abuse that a baby body learns through neglect of the heart of the mother stays with the baby for years and even a life time. The first impressions are the ones that last longer and harder to break. The baby hears the words with ears of yelling and screaming that imprint dark images on a infants stomach and if unable to let it go the darkness spreads to the heart where the infant begins to learn mistrust amd abuse.
The vibration of a smile and and a hug and the feelings love imprint spirit symbols of love of white smiles ear to ear on the infants body. The baby hears the voice of a loving mothers tone and symbols of joy are left in the stomach and when given again and again this will ignitie the body cells to have love of self and others and will bring light in the heart and mind.
I was looking at the students that were going to chef school and on the wall behind them and in the wall was a spirit man dressed in white watching them but after the spirit man saw that i was able to see him he walked away. the reason spirits do this is if i am just looking with curious intentions some how this take from them so they leave. If i have a specfic intention then they will stay and maybe even help.
A spirit cat showed up and wanted me to looked at something but i do not thing is is wise to tell all because on people with not good intentions i feel sad that i have to hold back but it wisdom.
Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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