
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch “Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto” on YouTube

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remember that what we think and speak and do with our body affects us on a vibrational level. water is in our physical body that houses our spirit. our spirit is energy. water has elements of awareness it seems. Dr. Masaru did experiments showing how our thoughts and words can change water .when we bring happiness to someone we give them higher vibration but if we give negative words to someone we bring ugliness to the person or animal .

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It is such a pleasure to read the insights found on your site.
There is so much ugliness given out thoughtlessly - it is a beautiful reminder how we can enhance the lives of those around us.
Showing care for others creates repair warmth and allows for joy and beauty to re-enter that soul.

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