
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pope Benedict

Near a full moon the pope takes his last public appearance to say he will support the next pope as he prepares for a reduce schedule in retirement in Italy near the Vatican.   The world in the physical plane await a new crowned voted on pope by cardinals  to start the  new era
His image that he has of himself when he is within walls is he like to pray with two other men. They support him while he prays.
The Catholic church does s lot of positive vibrations for its members and the world by having higher centers of education available to the world on all levels and charities for the poor to feed them self and clothe themselves.
Near his reign some scandals have lured their ugly head  with negative energy that surrounds the Vatican from within and without.
The pigs ( Portugal Italy Greece Spain) have over spend their governments budget again and again and with this negative energy and other governments following the same pattern are concerning to the common man who works for his family.  
The next pope will be a swimmer and someone who is active giving mass and will have two lights within his body one in his stomach and the other  beneath.  When he is by himself he will pace back and forth.

The picture was from msn headline news on the web

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