
Sunday, March 31, 2013


image  This is a rare picture of what an orb looks like inside sometimes based on my own personal experience.   The clarity is different with each orb that i become aware of while observing the sphere.  most of the orbs have a perfect circle the is round.   My wife found this picture and send it to me.
As you can see orbs have people inside and sometimes you can see what is going on around inside the orb in the back ground.
we live in a three dimension world but spirit being are not confined to our world and this is why most people do not see orbs or spirits.  
Spirit beings live in an existence of where there is no time and they can see the present and pass and future with difference possibilities and out comes based on choices.
NASA's Chandra Finds Massive Black Holes Commo...
NASA's Chandra Finds Massive Black Holes Common in Early Universe: A composite image combines the deepest X-ray image ever taken with optical and infrared data from Hubble. (Photo credit: Smithsonian Institution)
  • The birth of orbs (

Saturday, March 30, 2013


MODIS satellite image of Cyprus.
MODIS satellite image of Cyprus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
History repeats itself again and again just like in your personal life when you fail to make the right decision  in a  personal experience in your life it keep bites you  maybe day or week or years later but you will have to make the right decision .
In regards to the biggest pig which is Cyprus government which has leaders that have spent all the people’s money then went to the IMF (international money fund) and max the amount they could spend their then they went to the euro zone and max what they could give them.  OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT but the people of Cyrus have chosen politicians leaders that send them down this path to nothing.
Socialist love to give to people who do not work other people who do work and now if that is not bad enough they want to steal people money who save money in their country
Todays news story is that people will lose 60 percent of their money because of bad decisions of the government.

Friday, March 29, 2013



Thomas Coman Sheppard is being interviewed by Linda  Moulton Howe about seeing pictures on creatures that are not from this earth planet.  I took a moment to look at his vibrations while he was talking with Linda who is a person who goes on television shows a lot even today.
On his head there is face that  has skin on the face it but has  sort of like a skeleton features.
meaning- skeleton is a symbol of mortality and secrets and he believes he has secrets while he alive.

On Thomas forehand there is a smiling face.

Meaning- he is happy about what he is doing at this moment.

Thomas throat has a vibration of some kind of entity that has it mouth open wide  and is smiling.
Meaning    Thomas is happy about talking about his experience with a vibrational tone of some kind of entity.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


An overall view of an LG EnV mobile/cell phone.
An overall view of an LG EnV mobile/cell phone. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was a restful spot that which give me the opportunity to watch a person  looking at their cell phone and the angle I was at gave me the top of the person’s head..  On top was a vibration of a monkeys face and looking at this moment  i was thinking of two things.  My first thought was it was amusing to think that a person had a monkey vibration  and I laughed for a moment.  But then I remembered watching a show on netflicks about  when a master monk dies the monks go to a monk and he looks at lines in different directions and mediates and receives a vision of who will fill the  die masters position.  Symbols and the vibration can be different from person to person but they come up with the same meaning.  In the monk world when a monk receives a vision it is verified by someone else.  For me the symbols I see are something i can relate to so i can get the exact meaning.
I was looking at the students that were going to chef school and on the wall behind them  and in the wall was a spirit man dressed in white watching them but after the spirit man saw that i was able to see him he walked away.    the reason spirits do this is if i am just looking with curious intentions some how this take from them so they leave.  If i have a specfic intention then they will stay and maybe even help.
A spirit cat showed up and wanted me to looked at something but i  do not thing is is wise to tell all because on people with not good intentions  i feel sad that i have to hold back but it wisdom.
Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black
Portrait of a monk-MGR Lyon-IMG 9873-black (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Eye death
Eye death (Photo credit: @Doug88888)
The eye is used for receiving light and transmitting it to the brain in a way that allows it to produce a meaningful image. The adjustable lens of your cornea allows you to view objects with clarity at varying distances.    Having two eyes allows your brain to construct a 3D image, so you can detect depth as well.
The definition above is interesting because since we are spirit being looking with our spirit eyes while using our physical eyes we can see that light is needed  to send message to our  physical mind to look and understand the physical world. The more we do this the better we get at understanding  and we start to communicate our ideas of we we see to others.  While the physical brain is being used the spirit ability to connect to this world is difficult if not in possible . This is why people pray by themselves and silence or mediate in silence or with music that is peaceful.
Fear terror eye
Fear terror eye (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Monday, March 25, 2013


Screenshot of Toph demonstrating her ability t...
Screenshot of Toph demonstrating her ability to feel vibrations traveling through the ground . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Would it be funny having a person holding  different signs in their hands or in front of themselves and in  back of themselves telling you who they are as a spirit person?      For example I was just looking at a woman about 20 years and while do so the vibration on her chest became clear  which was an image of herself naked from the head to her billy button then white clothing from her billy button to about her knees.  Meaning is she know she has a good body but is a virgin.  Would a person go around holding up signs so the world could see and know this about themselves.  The answer is no be some one like myself can  and most the time i keep this knowledge to myself unless i can find a healthy way to tell the person  about themselves so they can connect better to who they are as a spirit person.   Why would god allow  people on earth to have abilities like i have to help those in a discrete way?   I am sure this question will sound weird to those who are not aware that it possible to see vibrations on people or anything we see with our physical eyes.  Somethings what i see are so private that I refuse to discuss it because we live in a world that  has good people behaving badly and when going down the path of evil to neutral that kind of person should never have access to use high spirit knowledge for bad.  This is why many times i cannot tell exactly how i do things .
We all have the ability to see vibrations and just being aware of it.
I do most of my spirit work without anyone knowing That I heal them  or  that I have help them with a problem.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I have looked for a live video of the Higgs Boson or god particle for a while but I have not been able to so far so i guess this is classify secret.   it is being keep from the public. I have watched many videos and news cast about the god particle and they always give a simulation of the event based on models and theory’s of what the scientist have witnessed with their own eyes.
There is a site that claims to be the lastest updates of the hig god particle and its called .  or you can look it up by searching itv higgs particle.
The man holding the picture of a the collider has a vibration on his back of  a high vibration entity that is a humanoid looking man with ears that are not common to this earth world.
On the mans white hair is a spirit symbols of a man with glasses and a bird just below his mouth.
Meaning – regardless of  who anyone is in this life we have  spirit entities around them and based on a person actions and thoughts and desires  a person attracts the same kind of being around them watching and helping us here on this planet.  The meaning of the  the image on the mans head is he sees himself with glasses on always and he is  is the deliver of a message.
The  message below is a copy and paste portion of the itv website.

Scientists gather in London to watch a live link-up with Cern in Switzerland where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is switched on Credit: Anthony Devlin/PA Archive
They have since sifted through vast quantities of data from innumerable high energy collisions in an effort to reduce the odds of being wrong.
A statistical standard of proof known as “five sigma” would be the ultimate confirmation of a discovery. In this case, the chances of a mistake are one in a million.
Scientists at Cern, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research in Geneva, are likely to announce a significant step further towards the five sigma goal.
Possibly, they might even be at “four sigma”, a hair’s-breadth away from having the Higgs in their grasp. In that case the final “discovery” of the Higgs particle will be virtually a foregone conclusion.
Higgs boson - LHC
Higgs boson – LHC (Photo credit: Lightmash)

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Location Map of Kitakata in Fukushima Prefectu...
Location Map of Kitakata in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Fukushima  has been a buried story from the beginning by governments of the world.  It is the responsible of all governments to have their citizens not be in a panic mode due to any natural event that is a major disturbance or man-made event that affects majority of the people of the country or the world.  The radiative event will affect the new born of mammals and reptiles has been underway now .  The proof of newborn animals born with miss ears on this rabbit is  proof that  damage to DNA is real and not just a possibility . The world population is will be seeing the effect more and more each year as damage to other animal and possible human DNA changes.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


This video is about Dolphins but my interest changed after seeing what was in the water.  If one looks at a bird in a cage like an animal that is all they will get from the experience.  Birds have emotions and are fun and funny  intelligent to those that have gone the extra step to see what kind of intelligent a bird is in the life.   A dolphin  kind be just like a bird experience where people see a dolphin for just a sea creäture but to those that have been able to see and understand a dolphin is much more and very intelligent to its self and other species that are not of it kind.
And yet to those who see water many will not see and know that it's for drinking and swimming,showers etc.    But some also know that water is intelligent with other forms of life and vibrations.
video maker 40 - behind the dolphin in the water and two feet behind and about  three or fourth feet down there is an intelligent being that is about four feet tall that is looking at the woman talking with his eyes and the rest of his body is stationary like in a pause.  The being looks likes humanoid with a  face like a dog.   The arms are about one foot longer than a  typical body.  some how the water is thicker or the substance is thicker where the being is moving in the water.  There are many different ones in the video but one is enough to talk about with the time i have to write.
An adult female bottlenose dolphin with her yo...
An adult female bottlenose dolphin with her young, Moray Firth, Scotland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Friday, March 15, 2013


What would it feel like to be a new elected pope in the year 2013?
The vibrations of the pope stomach is a face that is stiff like a board with big eyes to see with when he uses them.
meaning pope Francis feeling are stiff and do not change widely.  he knows his feeling well. He is a very stable emotionally.
Pope Francis heart area spirit symbols is a real white face that covers almost his whole chest with big eyes. The face is neither happy or sad.
meaning he has a will to do good  and is influenced by good and he keeps his emotions under control and is not happy or sad.
The pope forehead has two spirit symbols and one is a man sitting in a big chair with clothes that are big.  And the other vibration symbol is a man who is white and is low to the ground looking out by the third eye and nose.
meaning  we have to remember that regardless of who we are when a person get a position of power and authority over another a person tends to have a big ego.  He knows he has a big and powerful position and he will be filling in his clothes soon enough.  And this is what is going on with the pope Francis but  he is aware of it and working on it.
On the top of his head and hair are two images(vibrations).  His image of him self is spilt one is a white person with no hair and the other is a latin looking person with black hair that is like an afro.
Meaning-  he see himself  fitting in both worlds.
Francis of Assisi Church, Empire Bridge

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch “Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto” on YouTube

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remember that what we think and speak and do with our body affects us on a vibrational level. water is in our physical body that houses our spirit. our spirit is energy. water has elements of awareness it seems. Dr. Masaru did experiments showing how our thoughts and words can change water .when we bring happiness to someone we give them higher vibration but if we give negative words to someone we bring ugliness to the person or animal .


Captured while still small.
Captured while still small. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The  observation of the vision  of  the bottom of a 8 month old baby feet.   There is a vibration of a man on his hands and knees with a young child about 3 to 6 years old on the back of the man.   Vibrations of thought and feeling and actions are imprinted onto  the object that is observing or doing the  action.    There is a face of a creature  that is sort of like a cat on the heel of the baby with several mouth faces. one is smiling another is sad.

meaning is the 8 month old  imprinted this on the baby body.  this was an experience  that was happening around the baby and imprinted the scene on the foot.  we could say its consciousness  or the baby is aware of the experience.

A cat is encourages agility in both the body and mind.  The baby  feet are trying to understand how to walk  and do it successfully

 The bottom of the baby left foot  below is interesting there is a big smile on the heel and and by the big toe there is a face  that is  leading to be sad  but is happy.
meaning is the baby left foot  has more than one feeling  its experiencing.  and the baby right foot has a face that  the eyes are closed watch means the baby right foot is sleeping.
Vision (Photo credit: ransomtech)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

imageSulaiman Abu Ghaith is the son-in-law of Osama bin laden.  The news is that Sulaiman is now captured.
The vibrations of both when this picture was taken-
Osama has a picture of a woman that is naked with long hair and she is facing away so all one can see is her back . and she is sitting down.  This vibration covers his stomach and  the bottom of  Osama heart area.
Meaining - he is feeling passive,intimate and is showing his power .  He is willing to sit and be patience.  He has nothing to hide.
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith- he  has a frog that is on the bottom of his stomach and the frog is upside down and it appears to be died. He looking at it.  There is also a vibration of a cat that has his paws in front of his mouth.
meaning-  many , many new beginnings that was planned are dying or dead and he is aware of  his plans failing.   He is intellgent and helps in ways that are uncommon .
English: Osama bin Laden as he is interviewed ...


Everything has a vibration of the things we do and say and think.   The vibration embeds it self on the  obect that is doing  the action.  What vibrations do singers have that are famous?

At video feed number  #23  the womans chest area  has a  spirit symbols of a big hand that is holding her tightly and the hand is mildly dark.
meaning someone that is powerful has a tight  hold on her and she does not like it.
video feed number 41 there is a woman that is singing beautifully and the vibration on her hair is a face with two black  eyes and a long nose.
meaning she is someone that want to be noticed at what she does but is becoming weary of being notice .
video feed marker 48  the same woman throat is visible to see and the vibration on her throat is an old man who is bald on top with hair on the side.
Meaning- she has been singing for a long time and is starting to should signs of   her voice not able to do the same thing when she was younger.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum.
Illustration of vibrations of a drum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are a lot more i could tell you about these woman but its to private so enjoy the video

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Most of the time  my reference when seeing vibrations I use pictures and videos .  Lately the method is seeing a person near me.  Yesterday  a woman was sitting down and my focus was her stomach. she had a face on her stomach  and the mouth was open.   meaning - the woman was feeling hungry.

Yesterday  I was driving my Dodge Truck home after work and all the cars had to stop for a red light. The person next to me was a man chewing gum and having a good time doing it because almost every chew  his mouth was opening up.  Spirit symbol was a face that was opening and closing his mouth. every time the person opening his mouth the vibration followed .

After the experience the reflection  caused me to  appreciate what just happen as the signal light turned green.  Seeing the experience and seeing the vibration  at the same time is self validation

What  each person or animal or thing sees,feels or does is a vibration and each of us can do this with practice. It took me 4 years.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ELONGATED SKULL /Vision-spirit symbol

I have seen this skull many times but I have never looked at it to see spirit symbols/vision until today.

There is a spider monkey on top of the skull with a the long tail that goes down the right eye socket.

Meaning is this creature human was friendly and played games with it's own kind  a lot and was an observer of other speics.

   And the creature human had a sword like object in his hand standing behind   a Maya looking human that was on the ground faceing down .

The body of the human creature is slender but has a gorilla style of muscle mass.  The human creature wears a style of clothes like a sniper out fit.

Meaning - maya's were prey

Another type I have seen through vibrations is one that has the same head but has a web from has wrist to the torso.  The  web looks like web feet but it webs to the arms.

Monday, March 4, 2013


We have all been told at church that it's better to give then to receive.  To give something one has to have been given something.    What have you been given?

A physical body with hands and feet and a good mind for starter.   And we give back by being good to our parents and self through loveing your self and others without limit.

When we do this it complete the circle.   An incomplete circle is ingratitude

The picture came from a twenty year old women.  The spirit symbols on her hands are vibrations of old men faces. Each finger has some happiness  and the hand as a whole  is mildly happy. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I was at home working on my blog and my wife went to Wal-mart to get some grocery and I took a moment to look at what she was doing while shopping.

She was going down the isle with a empty cart looking down  inside of the grocery cart.  Inside the grocery cart was a ferret (very bright white) looking creature jumping up trying to get my wife's attention.

Another time when my thoughts were about seeing what my wife was doing at that moment two weeks ago and she was operating  the public transit railroad train and while doing it successfully there were fairy beings  that were flying around her head.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I was at work resting for a moment in the rest area with other fellow workers and I look at a person light body  while  there and  saw brownish looking color around him which means he has a lot of negative energy attached to his spirit and many times when  seeing this the next step is to heal them without them knowing it. Only this time when the process started his light body moved away which means that this person wanted to keep his negative energy to learn from while in this life a little bit longer or will wait until the next life to get rid of it .


last night was a mixture of segments of parts of different experiences. i was observing people in this life walking downtown area. then i was in the light world watching people being busy and being excited in doing their events that they were tied to in the spirit world there.

To think that one can live the physical world but be able to see in the spirit world just because one can connect to their spirit self by being aware of how to do it easy and effortless. One has to rise their vibrations by mediating

Artist's depiction of the separation stage of ...

WATCH "Japan pyramid underwater"


Take  a moment and see a pyramid by Japan that has been around for thousands of years. It makes one think that we are told a story in school to lead us in a direction that controls us but the truth is there are gaps in our history that can not be explain so easy. 

The person talking has has a smiling face on his throat (spirit symbol) when he is talking about the pyramid.

When a person is speaking or thinking or doing something  the vibration goes on them.  For most people they will not be able to ever be aware that this is true.  But there are people like myself that call themselves psychics, shamans, etc that can.

The first step in seeing spirit symbols is to learn to see auras spirit energy.

Friday, March 1, 2013



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medicine wheel
medicine wheel (Photo credit: demented-pixie)
I had a man the other day come by and wanted to be healed his legs had water retention in skin lesions on his legs for years I placed him inside the medicine wheel and active the stones to draw out the illness into the stone’s. And I cleansed his aura. He thanked me and wanted to keep feeling good after he left. I told him to prayy FOR HIMSELF FOR PROTECTION.

Watch "What most schools don't teach" on YouTube

Brilliant  minds came together to tell everyone how to be successful in the future.  Write your own ticket!

Bill gates and other earhbound geniuses tell how to prepare for a good job

Watch " I am not a dictator" You tube

Watch "Obama: "I am not a dictator, I'm the president"" on YouTube

The vibrations president Obama has during a news briefing is he is looking down on himself and is connecting to people threw hand shakes.  The hand shakes give him positive energy.


Today president Obama said that he is not a dictator.  Huh?  That question was important enough to repond too today.   

The vision/spirit symbol on president forehead was he is looking down on himself evaluating and on his suit he had the vibration of shaking  hands with people who are under is watch


The war of words have landed on each side of the conflict. Budgets cuts or continue down the path of the pigs(Portugal,Italy,Greece,Spain). The sign posts for the carnage are -

President Obama has pointed out that the navy will be unequipment to move the military because of the Budget cuts.  This is a proposal that will shipwreck the America people and leads us to the shores of the shores to be drowned.

Other proposals are-  
•Up to 22 days out of work with no pay, equivalent to a 20 percent pay cut;
•Reduced contribution to workers’ retirement savings accounts;
•Reduced take-home pay due to the deduction of health insurance benefits at the full salary rate.
But as a recent report from the Congressional Research Service pointed out, the sequestration procedures provide for exemptions for many groups.
Among the categories which the law spares from the spending cuts are:
•Social Security benefits
•The Medicaid health insurance program for low-income people

There is a war going on in America and its against it own citizens .  Americans are just a backdrop for the people in power to give Americans less and the rest of the world more and more so one day the playing field will be that Americans are poor and uneducation like most other countries.

The direction our leaders are on is the pig(Portugal,Italy,Greece,Spain) plan.

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