This tree started as a seed and now its been around for 3000 years. Did you know that this tree existed over in crete before you saw this picture? There are things that are real that are not before our eyes and one is that a sphere that is like a bubble contains one or more entities in it. (Orbs)
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A person can see with their physical eyes and see beautiful scenes and family and friends. And another way is to see is with your spirit eyes and see the invisible being that live among us. How does one use spirit eyes? Regardless of what you are doing one thing is for sure and that is you are always useing your spirit eyes while useing your physical eyes
Pope Benedict
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Ice agents release criminal illegals
Because of one man hundreds off criminal illegals were released today not because of Homeland Security as the White House has said, this is the vision I saw about why they were released. Ice is the scapegoat! !
Love love love
our past and present are always present to remind us what has been done well and what we need to approve upon . The pattens of vibrations on our minds tell us our path again again and the patterns of vibrations of our body helps us to repeat old and new habits.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Attempted Assassination of Turkish Leader (Ahmet Doğan)
love and gratitude
The fight of wisdom
The brain child of wisdom is not following the same pattern of failure. The past is just a thought away and so take the moment of reflection and learn
Monday, February 25, 2013
Love and gratitude
Begin each day like the sun because the son is bright and shines light for all physical beings to see and the bringer of life and love to those the rays touch.
Be thankful for all that one has to eat and good health because its better to give then to receive.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Powered Flight Deck of the Space Shuttle Endeavour photos
In this life we spend a lot of money and time inventing ways to get ourself off this planet . we have space shuttles and satellite that orbit earth and the moon and some that go out in space that carry messages of our planet(voyager) and we spend money and time on satellite that take pictures of the big bang(hubble telescope).
We can explore the earth and planets and alien live forms and suns and the moon without ever leaving this planet and this is with our third eye and it takes very little resourses. One day everyone will discover this awareness until then we build things with our hands and eyes to get us off this planet.
Related articles
- Amazing photos of Shuttle Endeavour flight deck (
- Terrific long-exposure photo of Space Shuttle Endeavour launch at night [Amazing Photo of the Day] (
have schedules that allow both of you to enter the bedroom together or is it like a smorgasbord? when the busyness of life get in the way of a relationship hiccups occurs naturally like when both husband and wife go to bed at different times and you come in the bedroom and make noise disturb the sleeping pattern it causes a reaction. no words or spoken but we know we have annoyed the one in bed and that annoyance can leave one with negative feelings of guilt which when stirred in the heart can leave even more damage. long patterns of neglect can leave to depression and the solution is simple we let go of all negative energy(life is to short let it go now) and have love for ourself and others who knowing or unknowing cause carnage with the heart or mind.
love and gratitude
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Love and gratitude
First Animal to Survive in Space
Everyone and everything has a vibration and this tardigrade has many spirit symbols from this earth other planets; the quest that i have many times is how to describe a sthat does not exist on this planet. Human faces ,alien looking faces, there are many but another interesting thing is vibrations attract entities that go with each creature. And for those that can see look at (feed 21) because there is a man that is small like the tardigrade just above it (everything has spirit energy and its around the tardigrade adnd the colors are yellow and green). He has luminated bear with a human face and he is stroking his hair. there is are a being that has big eyes with ears like a tiger looking.
Every thought and feeling and our speech are vibrations and we attrach good ,bad and neutral spirit enitities to ourself . Its interesting that no human of circle life or tiny organism circle of life where is so small that it does not affect another and another.
love and gratitude
State of the Union 2013: President Obama's Complete Speech, With Annotat...
SPIRIT SYMBOLS- state of the union address on February 12,2013 President Obama gave the address with the vice president Biden to his left and speaker of the house John boehner to the right. How would it feel and be President Obama during his speak at the white house. our first character is Barrack Hussenin Obama 11 (Barry Soetoro-alias) in our Walt Disney version what was President Obama thinking when he started the speak ; he was thinking that good people with hight intention are his servants(beneath) that he stands behinds and he has nothing to hide to the people. when he speaks he is determined and serious and if he has to he will push you away or bull doze you down with his words. (side bar look at the with areas to the left and right of Biden and look at the white areas and to John left and right shoulder by the light and you will see spirits for those that can its a person face but has cat ears) at video feed 18;23 President Obama is using cunning and wisdom and his character will be someone that what he sees with his own eyes he will use his mouth to be shrewd and cunning but can be restless and nervous which can get him in trouble with himself. He can defend himself aggressively when needed. This is a skill that hollywood wanted in this awareness.
weather report – there is a big storm that has been building and ganging around for a long time that is about to hit california.
Love and gratitude
Lightening Vatican LIVE VIDEO
Pope Benedict XVI resigned this week and my wife sent me a news article about lightning striking the vatican. the observation of the vision was lightning coming down and looks like it hits the vatican. Lightening are being that connect to each other by holding on to each others feet or waist or hand or touching of any part of other light being. most of the beings have a separate distinct body that is cloth with clothing of white. some are woman and some are men and there facing are neither happy or sad; emotion is not part of the equation for them in this moment.
Light being were coming down hitting the top of the vatican but when it hit it look like the being were pulling out something from the building. after looking at it again and again with clarity the vision was of a light being that was more dense came up the lightning and as he was coming up he lost the dense and became like the rest of them in the lightning. As he stopped there was some kind of creation being done about half way up the lightning trail. creation takes time but lightning is here and gone in seconds. They are able to transform energy into more collection of dense matter and come here then within seconds transform back in light. highly intelligent and gifted.
love and gratitude
side bar- on the upper right coast of Canada there is not ground weather that is waiting( bad weather meaning not good for typical physical being) and then from washington state area there is movement of weather that is going to move in a se direction heading to Texas. there is good and cold weather moving.
Related articles
- Lightning strikes the Vatican – literally (
Road Rage Fight In LA (GRAPHIC Video)
Can one heal everything around them that they do not like? yes, but how? we are the masters of our body and masters of our speech and masters of our feeling so we are in control everyday with every experience we have in life. When we have an urge to strike out with our body because you feel it is right and justice is on your side take a moment and remove yourself and breath and relax and be an observer. when one does this simple act we bring positive energy to ourself which will balance ourself. this is only one way to bring a healing to oneself; I am sure everyone can have ideas of helping oneself through a negative situation.
spirit symbols on the reporter forehead she has a face that has a mouth that is opened and has with being sucked in which means she is talking about the scene of violent and at the same time is wanting positive energy. On the television is getting some positive energy.
Love thy neighbor has thyself which is from the scriptures.
Lets start there together!
love and gratitude
Related articles
- Worst Case Of Road Rage Ever? [VIDEO] (
Friday, February 22, 2013
Love poem #10.98
The love that my hands carry for you is happiness that flows down my arms and releases positive energy to your body for health and healing to your spirit. Awareneess of our developing love lingers in our lips and sweeping hugs.
psychic viewing
the world. We can all remote view some one or something i did not discovered this and claim its my discovery but its an awareness that we all can have and learn . Einstein dis not discover E=mc but he became aware of how it hows in the physical world. The laws he discovered were their before he was born and we can all see that they still exist after his death. and the same is true about seeing someone outside ones eyes sight. some people hear of this happening but in there owe life it does not exist nor in their neighbors or children so they end up thinking it's just a legend or not true but its an ability we all have in this life.
I have done this with president Obama and his wife yesterday. I was able to see the President sitting down on a couch talking with someone and he had a booklet or binder that he was skipping through with his fingers. And i have done this with my niece who life in another state many times. I have done this with people who have just died and watched what happens and i have done this with people who have been died for years and watch them as an observer. it very interesting what happens when people died and what each person goes through. I do these things only because I can and to show people that we all can its just matter of time and life times. its not a race.
How does one learn to see people is first you start with yourself by rising your own vibrations
Peeping is what psychics call this and they have rules of doing tis but i do not but if i come across someone that is hideing i will not look any more.
side bar- I am sure there are fake psychics but there are real ones also.
love and gratitude
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